'The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle' Book Talk, "Question and Answer: Part 15 of 16", Lillian Faderman, 2015/10/18

[caption: Lillian Faderman Historian Author of, The Gay Revolution (Q&A 15)]

Host: One more– I know I keep saying this, but this is the last question and then we are going to try to leave Lillian some energy to sign books. So, there’s actually another one up front. Okay, really quick back here.

Audience member: Can you talk a little bit about the picture that you chose there because that’s a really dynamic picture?

Faderman: You know, I’m so relieved at this picture. The picture that Simon and Schuster wanted to impose on me–which is on the bound galleys–does anyone here have the bound galleys. You do Robin. Yes, it's absolutely awful. It’s four people with their arms around each other. You only see their backs. Two men in the middle and two women on either side. And you could see that they’re walking towards a crowd supposedly–an LGBT demonstration but you don’t know that. And to me it looked like two heterosexual couples. I fought them for the longest time as well as fighting them on the title. Finally they gave me the picture that's presently on the cover. But for those of you who don’t publish and don’t know it, the publisher generally has the final say on what appears on the cover–both the title and the picture on the cover. So, I’m happy I at least won the battle for the picture.


Interviewee: Lillian Faderman
Interviewer: Audience member
Transcriber: Serena R.
Formatter: Serena R.
Recording Date: October 18, 2015
Release Date: October 25, 2015
Location: City Council Chambers in West Hollywood, California
Interview Length: 00:01:27